It’s been three months since commencing the action plan. At times, I feel rapid progress has been made. Other times, I’ve wanted to chivvy things along.
As we head towards the end of the most uncertain year of my life, it’s an opportunity to take a breath, and a quick reflection.
Triggers to change
The exact triggers that made me want to start something new are really difficult to pinpoint. There is no single reason and the dream of doing something different has been brewing for quite some time.
The underlying factor is that I want to start my new adventure. If I don’t do it now, I’ll just plod on. Nothing much will change. I’ll continue to work to pay for materialistic things. Actually, things I don’t really need.
I am under no disillusion of the amount of work needed to kickstart my adventure. There are going to be some really tough times. But I’ve got commitment, drive and ambition. I’ve always worked hard. Probably too hard. Usually for the benefit of others. Now, it’s time to do a bit of work for me.
The forced changes this year have helped bring my life back into perspective. I have greater clarity about what I want in my future. I’m focused and committed to achieve it. I am incredibly independent, which is different to being selfish, but I’m trying to be more of the latter. Many of these things are pushing me out of my comfort zone, but it feels right. So right.
Three months
Since starting to document my journey, progress has been made. The house has been sold. I’m still waiting for the exchange and completion date. I could’ve been out before Christmas as requested by the buyer, but it’s a waiting game for their solicitor to give me a date.
As the majority of my possessions are in a storage container, I’m enjoying my first taster of living a minimalistic lifestyle. I’ve something to sit on, sleep in, cook with and work at. That’s pretty much it. And I’m quite enjoying it.
Sorting through the house has been strangely therapeutic. The charity shops have done well and I’ve sold a few items. I’ve been meticulous in recycling anything I can. There are still a few things I’ve retained for ‘a rainy day’. Indeed, it will be interesting how many of the boxes in storage are actually opened when I move into a rented house.
As we now enter the third lockdown, there is nothing more to do around the house. Admittedly I still need to find somewhere to live, but there is no more decorating or packing to be done. Therefore, more of my spare time is spent preparing for the future. I’ve begun learning Portuguese (very slowly) and I’m planning a couple of online courses in the New Year.
I’m being kinder to, and making more time for, myself. I’m happy to have lazy days. I’m doing things I want to do. I feel calm, less stressed and more focused. I’ve abstained from alcohol again and feel good. However, sometimes I just slouch on the sofa, but it’s all part of relaxation right?
I’ve still got work to do though. I struggle with inspiration as to what to cook. I can’t just muster something up from a few ingredients so I’ll start using a meal planner again to help. A little more regular exercise wouldn’t go amiss either.
Moving forward
Because I have such high expectations of myself, I typically see the things I haven’t done rather than the things I have. Probably too much ‘glass half empty’. Perhaps having a long to-do-list isn’t that helpful after all? But I’m definitely moving towards a ‘glass half full’.
I’ve achieved so much in the last few months. I feel better mentally and physically. I’ve got more purpose. I care less about people looking or judging me. I’m being honest and true to myself.
Every step is a move forward. It feels like there is a hop and skip coming soon too.
Thank you. Obrigado.
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