Everyone dreams. It intrigues me how our minds work, but our minds are far too complicated for me to worry about it. Scientists suggest we have between five and seven dreams a night. Some people remember dreams vividly. I rarely remember my dreams. Even if I do remember, it’s forgotten in minutes.
Defining the purpose of dreams will, I’m sure, continue to intrigue scientists, researchers and philosophers. For me, I’m content with knowing dreams happen and it’s one way my mind processes information. Can I influence my dreams? Or do my dreams influence me? I have no answer, but I believe it does influence our mindset.
I’m changing my mindset. I know I’m not getting fulfilled and there is only one person who can change that. Me. As I reflect, I know I’m great at changing every positive intention and thought into a negative one. I flip and rebel against compliments and encouragement to my personal detriment.
Throughout my life, there have been many people who have supported me. There are many who have given me the encouragement. Patted me on the back. Given me support and positivity. I’ve deflected it all. It sounds crazy now as I was deflecting everything I was craving. And then, I’d seek out more negatives – a never-ending spiral.
So what has changed? I don’t see my future as a dream. It’s a purpose. I feel I have clarity where I want to go, what I want to do. I have a responsibility to make a difference for myself as no-one else will do it for me. I acknowledge, I’ve been travelling in the wrong direction.
Quite simply, I want a more positive mindset. It’s already started and I’m definitely on an upwards trajectory. I feel more positive in many things I do. Setbacks and hiccups affect me less.
Tough times
It’s still tough – really tough at times – but it’s all part of the journey. I’ve been a fighter all my life. Everything I’ve got is down to hard work – often at the detriment of personal enjoyment along with a negative effect on the people around me. I’ve an addictive nature. I’ve been too addicted to work. I’ve had gambling and alcohol problems. I’m all or nothing; positive or negative; black and white. There are few grey areas; no ‘happy medium’; and limited compromise.
Changing the mindset isn’t just going to come though thinking positively, listening to motivational podcasts, reading books, talking more, sharing feelings or learning from other peoples experiences. It needs practical changes too.
Getting off the ‘live to work’ bus
Work means I have a nice house, lifestyle, car and holidays. To maintain that, I work more. It’s the treadmill that most people are on – and I’m ready to get off it. My balance is wrong – so wrong.
It started with just one small idea defining my purpose. It’s taken a while, but I’m there. I’ve a plan. I’m progressing through the to-do-list.
As soon as the house sale completes, I’ll be debt free. I won’t have much left, but there will be no mortgage, no debt. Totally debt-free. Yes, I will be paying rent and household bills, but it’s a massive leap towards my future.
During the process to sell the house, I have minimalised and simplified a lot. I have cleared out clutter. Downsizing is part of the process. It’s likely that the contents of the house are going into storage for a period of time. This really focuses what to keep and what to get rid of. ‘Maybe keep’ becomes a ‘get rid of’. Even this process is changing my mindset. I have less attachment to material things, and value those items which really do mean something to me.
Preparing to get off the treadmill also means preparing for the future. It’s a transition period. In the New Year, I will be undertaking a series of distance learning courses. Part of this is about preparing for the future, but it’s more than that. It’s about doing something positive – for me. Every step is a step towards my future.
I don’t want to continue living my life wondering what will happen tomorrow. I want to influence tomorrow, starting today.
Obrigado por ler. Cuida-te.
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