Chuva forte! Rumour has it December has started off as the wettest on record in Portugal. I’ve no idea as this is my first December in Portugal, but the chuva [rain] has been persistent and forte [heavy].
We’ve had our fair share of thunder and lightning as well. As well as being blessed with some of the most amazing rainbows.
This has meant most of the time either being wrapped up in waterproofs and under an umbrella or spending time indoors. Mainly the latter.
Just for comfort, the weather forecast for the next week is also more rain.
Wood burner
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had my wood burner fitted. I’d like to say that I fitted it myself, but I mainly watched the fitting! Thank you to Jaz from Quinta-Essencial.
Back to the weather forecast, the temperature dropped over the last month and it was definitely colder at night. But since it’s been fitted, I’ve not had any need to light it (apart to test it!). One of the benefits of the rain and heavy cloud I guess.
Another benefit of the rain is that I’ve been able to get a few more tasks ticked off the list.
Car, health and tax….
Matriculation of the car is, I believe, almost complete. The IMT (Instituto de Mobilidade e Transportes) require the original of the consulate certificate which has been mailed to them, but I hope that outside that it is now completed. Albeit a few weeks wait for the administration to be completed.
I’ve revisited the Centro de Saúde to register for my Servico Nacional de Saúde. Still without my S1 Form (as I am not eligible for one) but on this occasion, I managed to get everything completed and, I believe, I am not registered on the Portuguese health system.
I have also got private health insurance as I don’t believe it is fair that the Portuguese pay for all my healthcare as I’ve not contributed to their service. As I am now a resident of Portugal, I am entitled to their healthcare services, but entitlement doesn’t mean it’s a right.
The time at home has also enabled me to register as a non-habitual resident (NHR). I’ve submitted the form and, like many things, it’s now a case of waiting. Hopefully early in the New Year it will all be confirmed. Although I anticipate I’ll need to provide a document or two. Originals of course.
Pouco a pouco
In between all the admin, I’ve tried to learn a little more Portuguese. My trusty “First 1,000 words in Portuguese” is beginning to get a little curled at the edges. My Portuguese vocabulary is improving (slowly) but deciphering spoken Portuguese is where I really struggle.
So, watching more Portuguese TV and some Portuguese films on Netflix has become a daily routine. It doesn’t feel as though it’s improving but maybe it is pouco a pouco. I have enquired at the local council about Portuguese lessons, They have asked if I can contact them in the New Year. Hopefully, they will be able to assist.
However, I only speak Portuguese when I go to the padaria, taberna or supermercado. It’s limited Portuguese, but it’s Portuguese all the same. Next on the list is the açougue. Passos de bebé (CooWooDoo)
It’s been a short blog, as well as a missed blog last week, but I prefer not to bore you with even more weather updates. At the moment, they are pretty much the same. Chuva e mais chuva.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and, if you’ve got this far, thank you for joining me on my adventure. It is much appreciated, and I am grateful for your interest!
Melhores cumprimentos. Até logo.
Hi Marc…I have been following your adventure from the start and am still amazed on how you have managed to tackle the whole situation in what seems to be a thoroughly professional and enthusiastic manner…well done you! Part of my reason I have been following your story is that I too would like to move to the central region and in particilar the Castelo Branco area, although I have never been it seems to be a underated area and dosn’t get much publicity on the usual expat or Portugal forums….why is that ? HOWEVER at this particular point I find myself considering abandoning my Portuguese dream as the while process for me seems too difficult and too consuming to navigate any longer. I have spent the last 12 months doing my D7 and sending whats seems to be hundreds of emails and whatapp messages to a high number of “contacts” in order to try to secure a 12 month rental contract, all to no avail. I have visited Portugal 3 times but have been unlucky in either being let down on several appartments or finding difficult lanlords who dont want to offer a 12 month deal, unless I pay a premium or pay their tax!
So I have a decision to make over Christmas, I know I should probably see this through but the who thing is waring a bit thin. The only positive is that I managed to get a re-schedule on my part 2 of D7, which is in May23 so at least I have a bit more time. It would be good if you can offer any tips you can share on securing a 12 month rental or maybe any contacts you know of . Best wishes.
Ola Mike,
Thanks for your kind message and I know we’ve communicated a few times.
Firstly, persistence is the key. My approach was methodical although I still had to be disciplined and persistent in making the arrangements. There were a couple of times I was really questioning whether I would get everything lined up and all in place.
Secondly, the rental was my biggest concern and was the most challenging. I took a lease on a small house which secured my Visa. It was registered with the Financas and it was done through an agent. I’m sure you’ve read my blog on that aspect. The house had no land but it was brand new refurbishment. Everything was new so it was a no-brainer for me and I knew I would not be spending much time there as the plan was to find my property as soon as I could. The worst position I was in was that I had to pay 12 months rental, but the best position was my D7 Visa granted and I was in Portugal. The village was small and had few amenities but was close to Olerios. It was on a 12-month contract and I rented it for three months before I arrived in Portugal (to secure my Visa) then once I was here, I was able to find a property and give notice of the rental. The break clause was at 6 months. I will send you a private message regarding the agent and price as the house I was in (and a studio next door) which are both available (and a third – the upstairs – is soon to be completed too). It isn’t in Castelo Branco though, but for me it was the best solution to get my Visa (and cost-effective).
Finally, just to reiterate, don’t give up!
I’ll pop you an email separately.
Muito obrigado,