Thursday morning, on a conference call. Phone rings. Glancing over, it’s the estate agent. An hour or so later, the meeting ends. Kettle on, pick up the answerphone message. A usual brief message asking me to call them back. Finish making a cuppa and dial.
“Everyone in the chain is ready to exchange. The plan is to exchange tomorrow, complete next Friday. Is that ok?”. Of course.
Minor problem. Completion in eight days. Get the keys to the rental property in eleven days. Three homeless nights minimum.
Logistical challenge. Need to move the remainder of my possessions out of the house over the weekend and put them into storage.
The plan to resolve the minor problem. Phone call to the letting agent to try to bring the tenancy forward – ideally Saturday, in two days. Find out that the final clean hasn’t been completed, nor has the electrical test. Contract, deposit and first month’s rent to be sorted. Slim chances.
There is enough room in the storage container to put the last of my items in so that is less of a problem. Van sorted for the weekend.
Letting agent calls. How does midday Saturday sound to get the keys? The contract will be on its way today. Payment needs to be made during office hours. Clean is arranged for tomorrow. Fantastic.
More was achieved in 24 hours than the last four months.
Four days later
House empty. Storage container empty. Somewhere to sleep, eat and work all sorted. Boxes everywhere. Focus on the kitchen. Gradually find the essentials.
A couple of first world problems. No broadband or internet – not great when working from home. And the fridge door opens the wrong way. The former will take a week to resolve. The latter, done already.
Thursday booked off work to clean the house, Friday morning for a final check and hand the keys to the estate agent.
Well. Until a minor hiccup. Completion has been delayed until, potentially, the 17 February. I’ll still get the house cleaned and check it periodically until the completion. Take the meter readings and the keys to the agent.
It really has been a whirlwind six days.
But moving stage one is (almost) completed.
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